Monday, January 22, 2007

Post 1: Why

After researching into the other blogs and reading up on them I decided to choose for several reasons: is similar to which I've been using for several years now but Blogger appears to have a more professional look and while LJ is a great source for venting and diary keeping it isn't professional enough. Also, the type of people on LJ is a more teen oriented community while Blogger appears to have a more ecclectic group of bloggers. when compared to the other websites that hosted blogs did not require any extra programs or add-ons that could or could not be harmful to download to your computer. Also, those programs use up memory and are not available on other computers so access to your blog would be limited to only those computers that did. can be used on any computer where internet access is available and does not require anything extra. is a free service and is relatively easy to use especially for people that are not completely computer literate. It offers simple registration with no hassle and creates a personal web page that looks professional and that is easy to use and maintain.

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