Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Viz--The Thousand Hour Long Project that is actually rewarding in an odd sort of way...

My first approach as I'm not particularly skilled with Photoshop or Autodesk Viz was to watch the tutorials and try and import a file from Top Mod, a program I am familiar with to a point. This was a failed attempt and instead I started from a single cube in Autodesk Viz. I then began following the tutorial as listed in the links below and developing it to my own and personalizing it. I then added different tools and layers including: twist, taper, bend, wave, bend, face extrude, squeeze, edit mesh, and a combination of manipulating all these tools as well as the axix heights. The image was then rendered with ambient occlusion and a camera was added. The image was then transfered to Photoshop where it was further rendered using a layering of the images attained in the previous renderings from Autodesk Viz. Layers were added to give the effect of reflection and glass and a sailboat with three people were added to show scale. Above is the finished product. Believe me it takes a lot of time and it sounds a lot easier than it actually is, but it's really cool and interesting when it's finished.
Total: Start 3:30pm end 11:07pm I'm amazed. It takes a while but you don't feel it after a while. It is challenging though.

Link to the tutorial for Autodesk Viz and Photoshop:


dave morris said...

awesome. it's awesome. good job.

Christene said...

i agree. I really like how you used the reflection with the water.