Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Top Mod

Top Mod Screen Shot
Rendered Final Image


The TopMod program is designed to be similar to the basic concepts of Google Sketchup but is redesigned as an academic program to create visualizations using a combinatation of that program and Autodesk Viz for rendering. The TopMod design I created is shown above and was designed many through experimentation of several of the applications. Those applications including handle with a 5 twist and thickness, cube extrusion changing the scale, delete edge for cleanup, octahexedral extrusion, icohedraxal extrusion, remeshing of conversion and preservation, rind modeling, and hiding the wireframe. The form was then saved as an .obj and exported to Autodesk Viz. There it was rendered and used Using Ambient Occlusion to enhance render details. Thus further making the form look realistic. According to the explanation for Ambient Occlusion is as follows:

"There are many uses for the Ambient Occlusion shader, one being to accentuate details/edges and increase the realism of 3d renders. This occlusion is also known as the 'dirtpass' or 'dirtmap'. The pass renders quite quickly and since it is a Global Illumination (GI) solution, it is an excellent tool when time is of the essence, and GI quality is required.
I will not go into the details of the science behind the magic, simply put; ambient occlusion fires rays into the scene at various angles from various points on the geometry, and determines which rays are blocked by other geometry, and creates a visual representation of the occlusion. The closer the occlusion, the stronger the representation."

Basically, it is complex geometry takes the different angles of the form to make the angles highly defined and give the illusion of being realistic.

The program Autodesk Viz is a very unique program that has many applications and can be overwhelming. Through use of tutorials it is possible to go step by step to get a glimpse of what the program can do and see for yourself what Ambient Occlusion is. Autodesk is a great program that does give a realistic look and using a white background looks similar to a very clean pencil shaded drawing. The forms look clean cut and have depth. With further skills and knowledge it is possible to render to the point of attaining that realism. If you click on the link below there are tutorials provided and websites that show this concept. The final image of my rendered form is shown at the top of the blog post.
Tutorial for Top Mod
Extension needed for Autodesk Viz used in tutorial
Everflow explanation and examples

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